ILRS Statement on the Tragedy in the United States

The International League of Religious Socialists expresses its grave concern over the recent developments in the Middle East. We note the special responsibility of faithful Jews, Christians, and Muslims to work together to bring a lasting peace to the holy lands shared by members of these major world religions.

We urge strongly that the Israeli government and the Palestinian Authority immediately move to implement the existing UN resolutions regarding this conflict, namely Resolutions 242, 338, 1397, and 1402.

This calls for the following:

1) Immediate cessation of all acts of violence, including all acts of terror, provocation, incitement,
and destruction.

2) The immediate withdrawal of Israeli troops from Palestinian territories.

3) The establishment of a Palestinian state side by side with the state of Israel, which accepts the right of security of the state of Israel, with recognised borders for both states.

4) Economic, social and cultural cooperation for the entire region.

5) The respect of universally accepted norms of international law.

We acknowledge the tireless work of the Socialist International in working to help resolve this conflict, and we encourage the International in its ongoing efforts at peace and reconciliation.

Adopted on 7 April 2002

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